I Need Him...

" I need Thee Oh I need Thee, every hour I need Thee..." This song is ringing in my heart this morning, not out of sadness or turmoil, but rather out of gratitude because I know that the Lord is there to cover every need. It is a declaration that He is always near and willing to help us to be what He has ordained for us to be.

 Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:38-39 while in the midst of persecution "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." So either he was crazy or he had learned the Truth of God's character...that God's love is so strong, so forgiving, so everlasting and so unconditional that NOTHING could ever separate us from that Love. To put it bluntly, and I will... Anyone is a fool if they don't want to be a part of that kind of relationship.

 So as I sing that old hymn this morning, (I even got the jump on the birds this cold morning lol); as I sing, I sing it as a declaration that I need Him y'all...yes in the hard and scary times, but I need Him ALL the time! It sort of grieves me when I hear folks brag about not needing God and how they can do it all by themselves...I pray for them, seriously... that their eyes and hearts will be opened to receive His Gift so freely given. As the song says: I need Him every hour...and you know what? To be without Him I would surely be lost and a really pitiful lil somebody... so I pray today...

 Father, I thank You for Your love that we can never be separated from. Even as David declared in Psalms 139 that nothing can separate us from Your love... we thank You for that today. I pray this morning for those that cannot make this declaration, open their eyes to see You, so that they can experience this awe-inspiring, life changing Love. We need you Lord, whether we all know that or not WE. NEED. YOU. and I am so thankful that You never give up on us and will be always cheering us on to come to that realization. In Jesus' name Amen


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