No Way!

I really just noticed how much I write about anxiety and depression...well you guessed it, those are 2 things I have dealt with the most. No shame in saying it, I find that the older I get the "filters" seem to get flimsier and there is something so freeing about being transparent. All that pretend stuff is so tiring. I think that my "mask" has almost completely come off, or at least my grandchildren (teens) think so because they always say "MeeMaw I can tell what you are thinking by looking in your face!" So when they ask my opinion, they know what's coming.:-)

 I have this thing with dread, now don't laugh, I'm being wide open here...Yeah dread (pronounced DRED), which according to the dictionary is to "anticipate with great apprehension of fear". Yep, that's it. Its like even when something good is about to happen, you still have this feeling like you better not get too happy because you never know what may blindside you! Dear Lord! Am I a wacko or what? To be honest I am getting a lot better. I've gotten to understand God's character a whole lot better and also through prayer and by submitting to God, whose ways are higher than mine, and just trusting in His unconditional love.

 I am learning also to catch those feelings of dread early, before they can spiral off and become full fledge depression. Sometimes even saying aloud (even in public) "Nah uhh" translated means "No way". Even though this act may scare an unaware bystander, it helps me to shake off those feelings and thoughts that try to do a sneak attack. I don't recommend it for everyone, because there IS a risk that you will be escorted to the nearest exit. lol Recognizing and admitting your limitations can be a sobering experience, but surrendering to God's limitless wisdom, power, and justice is a great beginning to getting stronger. I can't have my hands in everything, so I release and entrust it all into His Hands. Not easy, but I'm working diligently on it. :-)

 The Scripture below also talks about a "kind" or a good word given makes your heart true. So sure, if someone gives you an encouraging word it certainly snaps you from those foreboding feelings of dread, but also if I give someone a kind/good word, it distracts me enough to realize that it is not all about me! There are many people that are experiencing trials and need a good kind word...something that we all have to give.

 So! now that I've spilled my guts on social media, I pray that if you are experiencing anxiety, worry or depression, be open about it and know that you are not alone, there are others, BUT there is HOPE! Submit yourself and all that comes with it to the Lord, entrust Him with whatever is causing you to feel dread, and encourage yourself by giving someone else a kind and good will bless your day.


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