Be of Good Courage!

"Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who HOPE in YAHUAH (the Lord). Psalms 31:24

I watched my little 6 pound Chihuahua brave the cold pouring rain as he walked into the early morning darkened yard...alone to do his business. He was donned in his rain gear to protect against the elements, but did not have his bigger "brother" to accompany him. Knowing he had to go, he peeked out the opened door, hesitated for a moment, then with resolve, trotted out. Upon his return, soaking wet and panting, he never whined or complained, he just did what a dog had to do. I rewarded him with oohs and aahs over his bravery and a nice warm blanket of course.

Just thinking how with the present events happening now, we have been placed out of our comfort zone in many ways. Restricted in how we shop, work and live. Our "normal" everyday living has changed, even watching TV has become a chore, the reports of the local and world situation leaves you tired and weary; it moves you from your familiar "warm and cozy" routines to a going out in a cold, dark rainstorm kind of feeling. Some of us complaining the whole time...uh oh.

Here's a tip: Try not to complain, it will only make you miserable. Instead, do like my Buster (appropriately named) did, he braved the storm, did his business and didn't whine (or woof) one time. COURAGE. If you are truly trusting in the One True Yah (God) then you are not alone and you can do this. Out of your mouth speak the good things that you have been blessed with! Be of Good Courage! Don't put your hope in the government, the economy nor any man, but HOPE in the Only One that can Deliver us! Halleluyah!


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