Why Worry?

While shopping a few days ago, the unusual over crowding and sense of panic could not be missed. People running to and fro gathering up extra essentials to prepare what the media has proclaimed as a pandemic. I do believe in being prepared and for years have made having "extras" on hand a way of life; but I also have made it a way of life not to panic. Trust me, I've had a share of bad news and times of trouble, but this I am learning: worry, anxiety and panic gets you only in a worse fix than the real issue. I know that it may be hard for some of us not to be worried, but in our concern over not having enough toilet paper (still trying to figure that one out) let us not forget that those of us that are believers in Yah (God) and His Son Yissa'Yah (the Messiah) then we have an obligation, a calling to be Salt and Light in this World. We are not suppose to follow the crowd in panic nor are we to speak hopelessness in darkness. We are to be the light to show that there is Peace, His Peace even in the midst of the Storm and we are to be the Salt that preserves and sustains order in the chaos. Be a part of the answer not the problem. Be prepared, use wisdom and sow Peace not panic.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength."


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