God's help in '08

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

The words above are so comforting to me...you see I am a widow, for almost 6 years now. In fact this month, January 29th will mark the 6th anniversary of my husband's passing. Words cannot express the journey that I have been on during his illness, death and the months and years that have followed. From 1998 to 2002 I have experienced the lost of many family members and friends and each grief is different. But God has been so faithful to me, He has kept His word that he would never leave me nor forsake me. He has walked each moment with me as I have "traveled" on this journey.
When I made a declaration that this year I desire to get more "Wisdom and understanding" from God's Word, to no suprise it was followed by a bout of depression. I must admit that I took my eyes off of my goal and began to look at the sadness, grief and loss that I have experenced. I began to think of all the dear people that are no longer here with me. The joy that I felt just hours before began to dissipate.
It was not until I was in Walmart to drop off some photos to be developed and I saw a woman that I knew had lost a 6 year old child about a year ago. Her child had been ill for a very long time and passed away after much suffering. My heart immediately went out to her and I silently began to pray for her. My compassion for her began to overtake the sadness that I was feeling for my loss. When I began to pray for her, I knew that I was not alone in my grief, there are many, many people that are suffering. And that is what it is all about...it not about me, it is about Christ in us the hope of Glory! It is about comforting others the way the Lord has comforted us.
His plans are not our plans, His ways are not our ways. We may never understand, but as we trust in His plans for us, we will prosper, and have a hope and a future.


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