A Work In Progress

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Apostle Paul wrote this to the Philippians but I believe it for myself as well. I am a work in progress. Though the transition from my old sin nature to the new birth in Christ through the acceptance of the sacrifice He made on Calvary for my sins, happened many years ago, I am still a work in progress and I thank God for His mercy and patience. 
I was so reminded of that several days ago when I walked in on a not so nice conversation that someone was having about me. They were embarrassed and so was I to have caught them in the "act". Everyday my full intention is to have a good one, but we know that does not always happen and after hearing those remarks, my day was beginning to go down hill.
It is funny how quickly we can sometimes switch from jolly good nature to "I'm gonna get you for that!" Scary huh? Well in all honesty, after hearing those remarks, I admit I went into offense and pity party mode. Thoughts of how I could retaliate began to come into mind and really to put it into plain terms, I thought, "Honey you should have NEVER said that because now it is ON up in here, up in here!" ðŸ˜• Basically that old sin nature started to rise...for real y'all. ðŸ˜’ But let me tell you how faithful God is! Just a soon as I finished planning my retaliation in my mind, the Holy Spirit was like "Are you done? NOW, isn't this the same person that shared with you some time ago that they have never read their Bible in all their years?" To that question reminder, I said "yes". Then the Spirit of the Lord said to my heart (in spite of my ugliness) "Then YOU be the Bible that she has never read!, YOU show her what I am all about, YOU be my Love, my forgiveness. YOU be what she has not read about Me."
O...K...well you know what happened. My feelings that were so quick to change from light to dark, thank God had not reached my heart nor my desire to be what God wants me to be. I am a work in progress, that is not an excuse, but a confession that I. NEED. JESUS! I need Him to remind me of who I am and whom I represent.
So, what did I do with the situation? I loved on her, my attitude changed and I admit at first it was a real act of faith 'Cause honey I sure did not feel it! lol But once I began to act on what I knew was right, the feelings soon came. I forgave in my heart and mind and showed it in my actions. I'm sure there will be more but hopefully fewer times that I deal with things like this, but I have the assurance that the work that the Lord has started in me, He WILL complete it. Oh how He loves us so! 
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