Happy Birthday Honey!

In a few days it will be my husband's birthday, Romans 13, verse 7 says that we should give to those that we owe whether it be taxes, respect and even honor. I honor him not because I believe he would want me to, (I can hear him saying "Roni please don't do that!") because he knew my penchant for adding dramatic effects to any story I was telling)  ; but I honor his memory for me...
Sometimes we do have the tendency to make monumental heroes out of our loved ones that have passed, probably because we want to memorialize all their good attributes, when in actuality their perfections as well as their imperfections made them who they were and we still loved them so very much.My husband was not perfect and he would be the first to tell you that; he was a man that grew up in a segregated South and lost both parents by the time he was in his early teens; and yet he and his siblings made it through the hard times to become individuals respected in their professions. 

He was a man of many regrets but when he gave his life to the Lord , I remember him saying that day "Wow! the grass is so green and the flowers are just bursting with color!" He said he had never noticed those things before. He was so filled with the joy of having Christ not only forgiving his sins, but also his regrets of things he could not change. The weights were lifted and removed! And he REALLY did see the "Light"! 
He was a man that was misunderstood. A quiet man and a deep thinker. He used to say that I smiled and talked enough for the both of us...true  He used to tease me about crying over sad movies and yet he introduced me to the Anne of Green Gables series (even recorded it for me) on TV and secretly watched. 
Now when I look back, I understand his urgency to do all he could to fulfill the call on his life. He felt a deep desire to reach black men for Christ. Some accused him of discrimination, of him even causing division; but it did not stop him from working overtime at his job to fund his endeavors to reach the men he felt so strongly to witness the love and forgiveness of God to.
We questioned how is it that missionaries feel called to reach certain ethnicities all the time and yet he had so much opposition for feeling his call to black men was truly from God...but we knew it was and I am so thankful that I was supportive, because we had no idea that his life would be cut so short with an incapacitating illness. But God knew...and believe me when I say there are no regrets.  What a blessing to be able to say that! I am reminded of what Apostle Paul said to Timothy...
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing." 2 Timothy 4:7-8
This was his most favorite time of the year and how gracious of the Lord to allow him to be born during the season which he enjoyed so very much. He enjoyed the brilliant foliage and always praised God for making such beautiful sights! Oh what you must be seeing now...I can only imagine! 


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