The Truth will set you free

Saw a young man in a parking lot the other day, using the foulest language you ever heard talking on his phone with his pants hanging down to his knees, ALL of his white underwear was showing. I didn't know what was more offensive, his language or his exposed derrière. While some may say "Well that's the style and you know how these young people are.", my spirit was grieved, so grieved until I turned to him and said "Come ON man...come ON now." He knew what I meant because he gave me eye contact and pulled up his pants. He kept them up until he entered the store and saw a young girl that he flirted with and then dropped his pants again to impress her (which she was... as she giggled and videoed him with her phone as he walked away).
Unfortunately we have gotten so used to seeing this kind of display we think nothing of it. We see bad behavior in our youth and we make excuses, we see even bad habits in small children and we ignore it as if it will go away. We see bad behavior in adults and say "Well that's just how they are." or worst "I just love them and let God do the rest." But isn't love about being honest and truthful? God help us...
Let me just say, I am a lover of people...period. Those that really know me, know that I am. I know that God looks at the hearts of men and not the outside. I know that what we wear puts no barrier on the fact that the Lord can and will reach out to whomsoever will call on Him. I know that we should not judge a person by what they wear or how they may act because we may not know their life story. These things I know...but somewhere, somehow the ball has been dropped y'all. Somehow teaching our children respect for themselves and others is disappearing. Somehow people that we have placed in leadership in every area of social, religious and political status are no longer accountable to God or us for their bad behavior and lifestyle decisions that do not line up with the integrity of the position. 
It is seemingly out of control and yet I know that God does not see this happening and stands wringing His hands as if hopeless. His thoughts and ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9) and He ALWAYS has a solution. I believe He has given us that begins with us. There is a time to be silent, I even wrote about that once. But also there is a time to speak...not from the rooftops necessarily, but we can begin with those we love, those who come across our paths in life. Being transparent is one of the hardest things to do ESPECIALLY to those closest to you, but to truly love is being transparent and openly honest. Acceptance is not always the key to showing love. Even when we come to the Lord, yes, He accepts us as we are, but He loves us so much He helps us not to remain the same as we follow Him. We do not have the power to "change" anyone, but if we have the Truth and Knowledge of God's Word, the Bible, then we will be accountable for not speaking and sharing it with the ones we claim to love and care about.

I am not a "Fuddy-duddy", one who criticizes the young, nor am I a Debbie Downer, one who puts a damper or negativity on "fun"...but I am a follower of Christ whose deepest desire is to see true change in the hearts of men, women and children; that we would all know our worth to God. When we know our worth, then we will respect ourselves and others; we will willingly live lives of accountability to God and those around us.
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32


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