Be still...

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act..." Psalms 37
There is something about listening and watching the rain that draws me to wait and listen for God's voice in my heart. Amazing how He already knows what's in our hearts, but there is something special about
being quiet and letting it all just pour out to Him and in turn waiting to "hear His response...
I have been in the book of Psalms for over 15 years, ever since my husband's passing. The comfort, peace and joy the Psalms have given me is so encouraging. It is not the only book that I read but the Psalms are my "go to" just about everyday. 
When I came across this verse this morning, it confirmed to me that as much as I want to see things happen in my time, sometimes we need to just BE STILL and wait for God to act in HIS time. Yes, there are times when we must step out in faith and just do it! But in our hearts we know when it is time to just stop trying to make things happen in our own strength and just trust and wait on God to act in His own timing.
I had a wonderful earthly father and I have special memories about him. When he came home from work, he always had a treat for me, gum from the gum ball machine, books he salvaged at the paper mill where he worked, a package of salted peanuts, even LP records of classical music that he was able to save from refuse at his job. Even when he was at work, we, his children were on his mind, and he brought us things that he knew we liked and would give us delight and even encourage us (we all love classical music). How much more does our Heavenly Father have us on His "mind" at all times. He knows what delights us and encourages us in this old crazy world.
I waited on my Dad everyday to come home from work with anticipation, because I knew that he would be faithful in not only coming home to us, but would bring with him something good 
Our heavenly Father can be trusted as we wait on Him...not only to come to us when we call, but to bring with Him in His time something "good". 


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