Be Thankful!

I know we shouldn't say "hate", but I. hate. bugs! Now add to that humidity and heat and you have a formula that brings out the Charlie Brown cry of "ARRRRGGGGGGGHHHH" in me! I uttered this sentiment several times a few days ago as I ventured out into a hot and humid August morning to do some much needed yard work.

 Costumed to look like a beekeeper sans the full Beekeeper's hat (though I wish I had one, that screen covering over the face would have been much appreciated), I bravely went out to tackle the task. For all you bug lovers out there, I'm sorry to say that I did annihilate a few that decided to come into my face space...or was it I that came into THEIR space?... Whatever, they did prematurely leave their bug life, but it was a quick transition, especially the one that I took out with the hedge clippers...sorry, but I felt like I was being attacked for just doing my job...

Enough of that, my point is, I was hot, sweat dripping beneath my clothes, bugs swarming AND the possibly of ANOTHER bout with Poison Ivy when I got a revelation! TA DA !!!!!!!!! "BE THANKFUL"...simple and yet so profound! That revelation, if you've noticed has been the theme of a lot of my life lessons, you think God is trying to tell me something? 🤔

Yep, instead of complaining about the heat , the sweat and the bugs, just BE THANKFUL! Thankful that I have the ability to do the work, thankful that I can feel the heat, thankful that I can see to do the work and how about even thankful that the bugs are around to fulfill their unique purpose, though I can't imagine what for, ( and don't give me that "Spiders help by eating other bugs"...really? it doesn't excuse having 8 LEGS 😲 ) but that's something I will ask God about...oh! and also apologize for the ones that met their demise from my hand...or hedge clippers...or foot...well you get the picture.

 Let's be THANKFUL, let's start today! Yes, we can complain, but really? Doesn't being thankful make you feel so much better? Try it, you WILL like it!


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