Effectual, fervent prayer...

Prayer...how important is it? Here's the answer...it is VERY important.

I am sure that all of us at one time or the other have doubted if our prayers have accomplished anything, especially when we don't see the results that we had excepted to see in the anticipated time slot, however let me assure you that God hears every prayer. Prayer is powerful and I believe that it can extend over time and generations. I think our problem is that when we submit our petitions to God, we also try to tell Him when and how to answer it. (I'm guilty too, my hand is raised 🙋🏾‍♀️ 

When I think about the prayers that I know my parents prayed for me, they may not have lived to see all the results, but their prayers were answered. How do I know? because as I have matured, there have been so many times that I have said, "Da, Ma, now I see and understand what you meant." 

When I think of my late husband's prayers, I know that they are being answered even though he has been gone over 16 years. My neighbor recently told me that back when my husband was home on disability, she could hear him praying in the morning after I had gone to work. He was indeed a praying man. To this day, when I am feeling forsaken and missing his unfailing support, I can go into his favorite place to read his Bible and pray, the dining room, and sure enough the essence of all those prayers that were prayed there still hover in God's presence and it comforts and encourages me to go forward.

 So here's my point, don't stop praying folks. Don't give up because you haven't seen the results yet, your prayers are not in vain. I can remember an experience I had when many years ago I was praying for someone and I questioned and doubted if God was doing his "job" and was really on the case. Well He spoke gently to my heart "I AM always working" Now you may ask what does that mean; well it means that God is I AM, He ALWAYS will be and He is constantly interacting in the lives of people because He is not willing that any should perish. (II Peter 3:9) He will ALWAYS do His part, in HIS timing, His way...now the question is are we doing our part? Are we trusting, praying and releasing those people and circumstance in His TOTAL care or are we still trying to finagle our 2 cents in the answer.

 I have said many, many times before, some things we may never understand, some answers we may never see in our lifetime, but we must never give up. We must pray, trust, believe and know that God hears, He sees and HIS timing is perfect for the benefit of ALL that are involved. Do don't give up, hold fast and keep on praying. In His timing those prayers WILL accomplish much


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