The advice of the Little Teapot...

" 🎶 🎶 I'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout! Just tip me over and pour me out, just tip me over and pour me out."🎶 🎶

 Most of you know that little song. I was going through some old pics and saw this one of my little red teapot and that song kept going around in my head...and NO I am not going bonkers! LOL The part about getting all steamed up, made me think about how we allow things in life to get us all angry and riled up with people, situations and even ourselves. Nowadays it seems to take very little to get people sometimes almost violently angry, especially over things like politics. Scary! But politics is just one of many things that can understandably or not, get our blood pressure up and boiling! 😡 

Now I try to be a realist and I know for sure that we all WILL get angry at times, but the important thing is not to let it fester. Harboring anger can cause major illnesses both physical and mental. For those who silently harbor unforgiveness and anger, it can become a silent killer, stealing your joy and the precious time that you could have appreciating the good things in life.

 If you find yourself (me included) holding onto anger, try taking the advice of the little teapot (yes, I went there 😉)...tip yourself over, take a pause/time out, and pour out those feelings to someone you can trust to listen openly and respond honestly. Don't hold it in, it really is a hazard to not only your health but to relationships.

 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:26-27


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