For those in pain...

I am speaking to the brokenhearted and hurting this morning...whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Pain is pain and can be found in all those areas. There is one thing to be sure, no one knows YOUR pain like you do. If this does not relate to you, I doubt if it would make sense, but I feel led to speak to those that are experiencing pain during this season of life.

 Have you ever tried to explain a headache or any other pain in your body to a doctor or anyone for that may say something like this: "Well the pain sort of starts in the middle and radiates to the back." or " Well the pain sort of throbs in intervals." All while the person that you are trying to describe it to just looks at you , or at best a Doctor gives several explanations and then a prescription and says "Try this, it MAY help." Well my point is, no one knows and feels that pain like you do. Your pain is personal...

 Good and well meaning people can sympathize and even understand to a certain degree having had similar experiences...but we truly cannot KNOW the pain of another. I will further go on to say that it is very unfair to expect others to fully understand our pain. I know that for myself in some of my most painful times, I have become frustrated and even angry that others, sometimes those closest could not comprehend my pain, my grief, my sadness. Over the years though I have come to understand that pain is very personal... but we are not without HOPE...

 There IS someone that KNOWS your pain and that is God Himself. There is nothing that we can experience that He does not know and understands. You may ask, "Well if He understands, why would He allow me to go through it?" The answer to that is: He has never promised that we would not have trials and tribulations in this world, BUT He HAS promised that He WILL be with us ALWAYS. (John 16:33)

 Some things we may never know or understand on this earth, but as a good friend once said, "Trust in the things that you DO know." One of them is God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. How do I KNOW this? I KNOW because He has done it so many times for me and for you too when you really think about it. Remember those things that you thought you would NEVER get through? The times you were so hurt, you thought you would NEVER feel any better...well things may not be perfect now, but if He did it before , He surely can and desire to do again for you today. Be encourage my friends, trust Him to not only KNOW and understand your pain, but if you allow Him, He will heal your brokenness and make you whole.


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